LOWER SACKVILLE- Anniversary Lunch

Local Nova Scotia Wellness Lounge 463 Sackville Dr, Lower Sackville

Join us in celebrating our 3rd anniversary! Come down to the Lower Sackville Lounge for lunch and live music!


NEW MINAS- Soup’s On!

Local New Minas Wellness Lounge 9198 Commercial St, New Minas

Come by the New Minas Lounge every Friday, for a hot bowl of soup!

NEW MINAS- Education Session

Local New Minas Wellness Lounge 9198 Commercial St, New Minas

Come join us at the New Minas Wellness Lounge where we will be joined by a Respiratory Therapist to discuss the link between PTSD & Sleep Apnea

NEW MINAS- Drawing Lessons

Local New Minas Wellness Lounge 9198 Commercial St, New Minas

Join us in the lounge every Friday, for drawing lessons with Veteran Derek Snow! Supplies and refreshments provided.

KINGSTON- Toronto Marlies Vs. Bellville Senators

Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre

Get ready for the battle of Ontario and bragging rights! Its the Toronto Marlies vs Belleville Senators! Limited tickets available. Contact patti@cannaconnect.ca for further details


Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre

Any Belleville Senators and Toronto Marlies fans? If you are interested in attending a game on February 14th, Please email Lina at kingston@cannaconnect.ca by November 14th. Please note, tickets are first come, first serve!